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{Video} Free Nativity Clips

Now, I now many of you may already be done planning your December services at your church. And to you I say "Good job!" But I also know that some of you may still be working on, tweaking, and planning yours. So for you who are still at it, I have this for you! 

45 awesome completely FREE nativity scene video clips. These are 1080 HD, color graded clips to use however you want. They are handheld shots to add a slightly "organic" feel, to put you in the scene.

Here's just some examples of how you could use these:

Use 1 or two or more as a song intro, Christmas carol intro. Play the clip(s) as the song starts with perhaps a line of the song on the video, or a relevant Biblical verse.

Create a short visual segue element in your service. Using several of the clips, weave part of the Christmas story together with a Voice-over, or someone reading Live on stage as music plays in the background (Live or on the video).

Use freeze frames from any of the clips and create graphics for your services.

There's 3 simple ideas that could lead to tons more. The point is, use 'em however you need to! They're yours!

Once you enter a valid email, an email be sent to you with a download link. It's a rather large .zip file weighing in at 455mb (Could have been bigger).

Here's a few more stills to check out.