Our Story
99 Hills is a Creative Media company that specializes in telling stories through video, photo, and the written word.
Our Story
Joel & Jenn Collins, owners of 99 Hills.
The 99 Hills story is simple yet deeply personal. It's Jenn & Joel's story - the year they met and important places in their life together. Jenn and Joel locked eyes across the hall at a church called Sheridan Hills. Shortly after, they learned they go to the same high school called Hollywood Hills. In 1999 Joel asked Jenn to be his girlfriend in a Chili’s restaurant. They were married in 2005 at that same church where they met way back when. It has been 16 years since that significant evening in Chili’s. They've been married 13 years and have three beautiful children (but they're not biased at all...). They love their story, hearing others’ stories and telling stories. And they heart chips & salsa (yes, from Chili’s).
They’ve risked everything for the love of their family and stories. They left stable ministry jobs where they thrived, learned a lot and had a blast. They took a leap and moved away from the comfort and security of home for adventure; to embark on 99 Hills. Here's the whole story.
About Joel:
He grew up as a Pastor’s Kid and a Missionary Kid, which is a whole story in itself. He lived with his family in South America for 10 years before he met Jenn in ’99. It was while living overseas that Joel began a passion for all things tech/video/audio. It’s also where he learned the value of telling stories. He loves the process of making art that will move people or call them to action. He has a history of making videos that inspire life change. He’s into the details and tedious process of telling the right story - the one that begs to be told. Joel loves all foods spicy, is a loyal University of Kentucky basketball fan and alumnus (Go Cats!) and makes a mean pancake & egg breakfast.
About Jenn:
Jenn was born and raised in south Florida (one of the few natives!) and it will always hold a huge piece of her heart. Being the social butterfly of her friends, she mostly plans the outings, events and keeps everyone connected. This led to an unrealized talent for her to help churches, businesses and individuals engage with their audience. She received a BA in Journalism & Mass Communication from Samford University, but when she says "Samford" people mostly hear "Stanford", so she just goes with that. She first joined Facebook in 2004 -- the year it launched. So you could say she's kind of a big deal. She spends her time on social media sharing quippy things her kids say and their cute faces. She loves to cook, read and spend quality time with her family.
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